Kitesurfing course



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Kite surfing, also known as kiteboarding, is an exhilarating water sport that combines elements of surfing, windsurfing, and paragliding. To become proficient in kite surfing, one typically undergoes a series of courses that progress from beginner to intermediate, and finally to an independent level. Let’s delve into the key components of each stage:


Discovery Kite Course (3-4 hours):


SEA Assessment: The course often begins with a comprehensive assessment of the Spot (the kiteboarding location), Environment (current wind and weather conditions), and the Activity (kite surfing).

Kite Handling: Students learn to hold, carry, and secure a kite on land, gaining an understanding of its components.

Kite Setup: Proper setup of the kite is essential for safety and performance.

Safety Systems: Understanding and practicing the use of safety systems is a critical aspect of the course.

Pre-Flight Check: Students learn to perform pre-flight checks on their equipment to ensure everything is in order.

Launch and Land: The course covers launching and landing the kite as both an assistant and a pilot.

Wind Window: Students explore the wind window’s edge, which is crucial for controlling the kite’s power and direction.

Advanced Maneuvers: Participants begin to learn more advanced maneuvers like flying one-handed and untwisting lines.

Trim Introduction: Adjusting the kite’s trim is introduced to fine-tune its performance.

Walking While Flying: Students practice walking while flying the kite.

Inflight Quick Release: Understanding and activating the quick release system is taught.

Self-Land: The course includes techniques for safely landing the kite, even in challenging conditions.

Equipment Packing: Properly packing the equipment after use is essential for its longevity.

Intermediate Kite Course (3-4 hours):


Water Entry and Exit: Learning how to enter and exit the water while controlling the kite is crucial.

Water Relaunch: Techniques for relaunching the kite from the water are covered.

Body-Dragging: Students practice body-dragging exercises with two hands while keeping the kite stable, allowing them to maneuver effectively.

Upwind Body-Drag: Learning to body-drag upwind is essential for regaining control of the board.

Body-Drag with Board: Students learn to body-drag with the board attached.

Self-Rescue: An introduction to self-rescue techniques and packing down equipment in the water.

ROW Rules: Understanding the Right Of Way rules is important for safe kite surfing.

Steady-Pull: Learning to control the kite for a steady pull is essential for riding.

Waterstart: This is a critical milestone where students begin learning how to get on the board and start riding.

Controlled Stop: The course covers techniques for safely stopping and controlling the kite in various situations.

Independent Level (8 hours):


Advanced Riding Skills: Students build on their skills, including controlling speed through edging and riding upwind.

Transitions: Sliding transitions and riding toeside are introduced.

Jibe: Participants learn the jibe, a turning maneuver.

Self-Launch: The ability to self-launch becomes important for independent riders.

Advanced Self-Rescue: Deep water self-rescue and equipment pack-down skills are refined.

As students progress through these courses, they gain the knowledge and skills required to become competent and independent kite surfers. Safety, understanding wind conditions, and mastering kite control are paramount in kite surfing, making these courses essential for anyone looking to enjoy this thrilling water sport.


Kite surfing, also known as kiteboarding, offers a range of advantages that make it a popular and exhilarating water sport. Here are some of the key advantages of kite surfing:


  1. Adrenaline Rush: Kite surfing provides an adrenaline rush like few other sports. The combination of wind power and the feeling of gliding across the water at high speeds is both thrilling and addictive.
  1. Versatility: Kite surfing can be enjoyed in various conditions, from calm, flat water to big waves. This versatility allows kite surfers to choose their preferred style and location, making it suitable for a wide range of preferences and skill levels.
  1. Accessible Learning: While it may seem intimidating at first, kite surfing is relatively accessible to beginners. With proper instruction and safety precautions, most people can learn to kite surf within a reasonable amount of time.
  1. Minimal Equipment: Compared to some water sports like sailing or windsurfing, kite surfing requires relatively minimal equipment. All you need are a kite, a board, a harness, and safety gear, making it relatively portable and affordable once you’ve made the initial investment.
  1. Great Exercise: Kite surfing is an excellent full-body workout. It engages your core, upper body, and legs as you control the kite, maintain balance on the board, and ride the waves. It can help improve strength, endurance, and overall fitness.
  1. Connection with Nature: Kite surfers have a strong connection with nature as they rely on wind conditions for their sport. This connection fosters an appreciation for the environment and the power of natural elements.
  1. Travel Opportunities: Kite surfers often seek out destinations with ideal wind and water conditions, which can lead to exciting travel opportunities. Many picturesque coastal locations around the world are renowned for their kite surfing spots.
  1. Social Community: Kite surfing has a vibrant and inclusive community of enthusiasts. This social aspect can make the sport even more enjoyable, as you can connect with other riders, share experiences, and learn from one another.
  1. Mental Challenge: Kite surfing involves constant decision-making and coordination between controlling the kite and riding the board. This mental challenge can be both stimulating and rewarding.
  1. Environmental Friendliness: Kite surfing is considered a relatively eco-friendly water sport because it relies on wind power rather than fuel. It has a lower environmental impact compared to motorized water sports.
  1. Unique Perspectives: Being out on the water and elevated by the kite provides unique perspectives of the coastline and marine life, giving kite surfers a different view of the world.

While kite surfing offers numerous advantages, it’s important to note that it also comes with inherent risks, especially if safety guidelines are not followed. Proper instruction, safety gear, and respect for local regulations are crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable kite surfing experience.


from red sea happy tours

RENTEL EquipmenT

1Hour35 €
1/2 Day70 €
1 week350 €
2 weeks600 €
Kite only 1 Hour40 €
1/2 Day 70 €
1Day90 €
1 Week250 €
2 Weeks500 €​

Beginner Course

HourPrice P.p
1 Hour 40 €
4 Hour150 €
8 Hour300 €
12 Hours450€


HoursPrice P.p
1 Hour60 €
3 Hour150 €
6 Hour350 €
12 Hour650 €

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